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Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
If you have encountered a stranded animal, dead or alive, it is necessary to report it
as soon as you have found the individual(s). 
To report a dead, injured or stranded marine mammal, please call: 
  • Natasa Nikpaljevic: +382 69 531 903
  • Ersin Bas: +392 60 024 849
In the event of reporting a stranding, please ensure you stay with the animal until assistance has arrived.
In the mean time, it is important that you follow the Stranding Protocol.
To help us collate, collect and utilise stranding information so that we can gain an understanding in why and where these
events occur, please visit our CETAZOOM website. Here, you can upload any images of stranded animals that you have seen and provide us with the information of the location.
      Everyone at SANCET would like to thank the public on all their valuable
contribution in helping us collect and collate data.
Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
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