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Free Zoom conference on stranded marine mammals on April 27th

The free live Zoom presentation “Stranded! Marine Mammal Response in the Northern Half of Maine” will be held by Rosemary Seton of Allied Whale, College of the Atlantic, at 6:30 pm EDT on Tuesday, April 27. It is sponsored by Friends of Sears Island and the Belfast Free Library.

Rosemary Seton

Seton is a marine mammal stranding coordinator with

Allied Whale, the marine mammal lab at the College of the Atlantic and has worked with marine mammals for over 30 years.

Her talk will cover:

  • the logistics of stranding responses,

  • usual suspects of marine mammal stranding,

  • and what to do when finding an animal in distress.

Each point will be discussed based on cases from Sears Island the team has faced in the past. Seal behaviour, the predominant species in the area, will also be a big component of the talk.

To register for the free Zoom presentation, or access the recorded presentation later on, visit: Virtual Programs: Calendar and Registration – Belfast Free Library (




Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
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