Mass stranding of pilot whales on Icelandic shore
David Schwarzhans, pilot for Reykjavik Helicopters reported more than 50 long-finned pilot whales stranded on Gamlaeyri island, Iceland....
David Schwarzhans, pilot for Reykjavik Helicopters reported more than 50 long-finned pilot whales stranded on Gamlaeyri island, Iceland....
Up to 40% of the world’s annual catch is accidental non-target marine species known as by-catch. Since January 2019, more than 1,100...
NOAA has declared an Unusual Mortality event (UME) for common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. An...
Under the funding of Scottish Natural Heritage, The Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme (Smass) launched the application, Beach...
A 3 metre long sperm whale was found to have stranded near shore in the Kıdrak Bay, a tourist hotspot. Ali Kırımselioglu, who works for...
On a pleasant morning on the 23rd of May, a local diver, Dusan Varda who is the founder of 'MedCEM' was diving at Slovenska Beach of...
A pod of 20-30 pilot whales were helped back into deeper waters after becoming distressed and swimming into shore in a harbour on Stewart...
A single Bottlenose dolphin was found decomposing on Sveti Nikola Island, not far from the coast of mainland Budva. After receiving a...
Yet another mass stranding event in New Zealand leaves 50 more Pilot Whales dead, the BBC reports. Click here to view.
More than 140 pilot whales have died after being stranded on a beach in New Zealand, The Guardian reports. Click here to view.