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Removal of rotting sperm whale carcass

The body of the 18 metre sperm whale was washed up in Fairhaven, Australia, after floating off the coast and in shallow water the previous days.

To prevent the rotting body from spreading diseases and distressing the tourists, the body is dissected by heavy machinery and transferred to a local landfill by dump trucks. An increased risk of sharks has also been declared in the region after one has already been observed close by.

The whales body has been floating in shallow waters for several days

Dr Fitzgerald from the Victoria Museum stresses that "Despite the tragic circumstances – especially in live strandings – one thing that’s important to note is that wash-ups are rare and important opportunities for scientists, given [whales] are sentinels of oceanic health.”



Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
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