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Social media reach out to facilitate appropriate reaction

The UK charity Brighton Dolphin Project issued an ‘important safety notice’ after several reports on different marine mammals washed up along the Sussex coast. Naming the heavy weather as the main threat, they asked their readers to have a close eye on their beaches in case a dolphin or seal is washed ashore. In such a case responsible authorities and organisations such as the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Program should be contacted as they can provide information about appropriate behaviour. Further information and answers are offered by their research and sighting coordinator via their website.

Due to the heavy weather predicted for this week, they expect further cases of stranding, thus their website will be closely monitored.

Brighton Dolphin Project reacts to several stranding reports in Sussex like this common dolphin



Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
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