The fin whale juvenile was already dead when it was washed ashore in Essex, UK, last week, as we reported here. While the police and ocean authorities had worked together to keep onlookers from coming too close, a team from the British Divers Marine Life Rescue had examined the body and took photographs and samples of the animal.
They now confirmed that the whale must have already been dead by the time it was washed ashore. A bone had punctured its lung, most likely after being hit by a commercial ship, which caused its death. Samples were passed on to the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme – UK strandings for further investigation.
Several authorities had to work together to remove the whale from the beach as safely and as quickly as possible. Witnesses later reported seeing “sections of the carcass being put into containers”. By Saturday afternoon, the animal had been successfully removed and the beach cleaned to allow the locals access again.
The full article can be found here: