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Whale shark rescued right before Christmas

A whale shark’s life was saved two days before Christmas after it stranded on Green Island, Australia. The 7-metre shark had been reported to the coast guard in the late afternoon. By the time they arrived at the scene, several residents were already working in keeping the whale moist with seawater. They were soon joined by marine scientists from the Green Island Research Station.

The terrain made the rescue tricky. The rocky terrain did not allow for heavy vehicles such as cranes or excavators to assist the endeavour. The rescuers thus had to contend with carrying the animal out into the ebbing tide with pure muscle force. A difficult feat, since the whale shark was estimated to weigh more than a tonne. With 20 people, they eventually managed to carry it back into the water and released it safely. Another example, how the cooperation and support of the locals can facilitate a lucky outcome in difficult situations.

A 7-metre whale shark got stranded alive on rocks at Sleeping Beauty Rock Beach


Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
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