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Two cetaceans euthanized in the UK

The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) has had a busy week so far. First, a young mink had become trapped on Fife Beach, Scotland,...

Unexplainable mass stranding in Namibia

Last week, a number of dead dolphins were reported by a lobster vessel on Hottentot Bay in Namibia. Upon arrival, the Lüderitz Marine...

Dead grey whale washed ashore in California

A 12-feet long grey whale was found washed ashore in San Clemente, CA, on Friday morning. The juvenile was already dead by the time the...

Rare fin whale stranding on Cornish beach

The volunteers were on a beach cleaning mission when they came across the stranded fin whale at Nare Point on the Lizard Peninsula,...

Sperm whale dies stranded in the Thames

The 12.44 m sub-adult male sperm whale had become stranded in the Swale tidal channel in Kent over the weekend. Though it was still seen...

Pregnant dolphin rescued at Cape Cod

The International Fund for Animal Welfare was able to successfully rescue a group of dolphins in Wellfleet during their first rescue...

Saving turtles from the red tide’s toll

Last Tuesday, a representative of the Mote Marine’s stranding investigations programme gave an insight into their work throughout the...

Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
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