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More pilot whales dead in New Zealand

After several stranding incidents in the south of New Zealand during the last couple of weeks, another one has now hit the northern part....

15 melon-headed whales die in mangrove bay

The 15 dead melon-headed whales found in a mangrove area in Catanduanes, Philippines, were part of a bigger pod of 70 animals. The group...

Failed rescue effort ends in euthanization

Another pilot whale has washed ashore in southern Australia, this time on King Island. The incident comes one week after several hundred...

Dolphin calling for help released safely

A dolphin’s whistles for help were heard by the construction owner Leon, who found the animal stuck on the banks of Helford River,...

Common dolphin mass stranding on Cape Cod

On the weekend, 45 common dolphins have been found stranded by the Harbor Master in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. The Yarmouth based Marine...

Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
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