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Gray whale washed up in Pacific County

Another dead gray whale was found dead on the coast of Washington, the fifth this primary season. Cascadia Research collective stranding...

Stranded gray whale towed out to sea

A dead gray whale was washed ashore on the Californian coast last week. It was discovered by a local family in the currently closed...

What a stranded whale tells about its life

Early in the morning last year, the Freelance writer Kaitlyn accompanied first responder Moe Flannery on a call about a dead humpback...

Two dead harbour porpoises on English shores

Shortly after a harbour porpoise was reported stranded in Eastbourne, another dead individual was found on Brighton’s seafront. The adult...

Mutilated whale shark found on Indian shore

The five meter long carcass of a juvenile male whale shark was found on the Baga beach in Panaji, India. Its dorsal and tail fin had been...

Two dead porpoises washed up on Bray Beach

Only a couple days after the last porpoise stranding, another two were washed up only within days from each other on the same beach. The...

Gray whale and orca stranded in Mexico

The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (Parepa) had to respond to several cases over the last week. First, a dead female gray whale...

Stranding networks slowed by Coronavirus

COVID-19 holds the world in a tight grip, with repercussions not only on our economy and social life but also on science. Forensic staff...

Southern Adriatic Network for Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Strandings
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